Chiropractic Care
What is Chiropractic?
Chiropractic care has a lot of definitions that will differ between offices and practitioners alike. At Advantage Chiropractic, we believe that Chiropractic is the use of the hands to correct misalignments in the body which can lead to discomfort.
Most people would agree that our bodies were designed to work at 100% of their maximum potential. When misalignments occur in the body this can lead to our bodies working at less than 100% of their potential. Long term effects of these misalignments can cause dis-ease in the body. Through chiropractic adjustments, soft tissue mobilization, stretching, and strengthening we can keep our bodies working as close to 100% as possible. Chiropractors are simply allowing our bodies to maximize their own potential to heal themselves faster and stay healthier for a much longer period of time.

Who do we treat?
This is one of the most asked questions we receive at our office. The answer is almost everyone. There is no age range too young or too old where we turn patients away. Newborn infants have just gone through a very traumatic experience during the birth process and our older patients have had a lifetime to develop musculoskeletal problems. There are some contraindications to chiropractic adjustments but they can almost all be detected during our comprehensive medical history, examination, and x-ray services we provide to new patients. Below is a list of our most common patients but it is certainly not a complete list. If you are unsure if you are a candidate for treatment please call and we can walk you through the next steps for your individual plan of care. Our goal is to fulfill your needs, whether it leads you to us or another form of treatment.
- Men
- Women
- Children
- Pregnant Females
- Anyone performing computer work daily
- Anyone performing work in a mostly seated or standing environment
- Anyone with a sedentary lifestyle
- Anyone with a very active lifestyle
- Athletes
- Nurses
- Dental Hygienists
- Office Assistants
- Hair Stylists
- Etc.
This list could go on and on as these are just a few examples. Please call, email, or contact us on the website to ask if and how we can help you today!
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